If you are a new customer or have changed your information, you need to register.
Terms collection of return drums
- We pick up drums as soon as possible after ordering, with reservation for access to transport capacity in the area.
- For orders below the minimum volume, zone-specific collection fees will be charged. See the respective zone price list.
- Drums that we consider too bad to be repaired will be charged Selcable's destruction fee . See the respective zone price list.
- The drums must be collected in one place, by a passable road with the possibility of turning large vehicles around.
- Payment of returned drums is made EOM + 60 days.
Destruction fee
As we are forced to pay a destruction fee for discarded drums, a fee will be charged according to the price list.
Save unnecessary freight costs and dispose of your own damaged drums. We reserve the right to refuse deliveries from any company that is not a customer of a cable works.
The following drums are scrapped
- Drums affected by rot (does not apply to customers for cable works if there are no signs of rough handling)
- Broken flanges
- Drums not manufactured according to Swedish standard (also applies to “home-made” drums)
- Painted, oily or sticky drums and very dirty drums
- Trash in the drum
- Drums that clearly do not meet the strength requirements
- Sharp or hard objects in the core
- Spindles that are damaged or deformed
- Drums from K6 to K7 that have two or more defects
- Drums from K8 to K11 that have three or more defects
- Drums from K12 to K30 that have four or more defects
- All plastic drums
Drums with steel cores will only be accepted by agreement.
For drums that still have cable on, an hourly rate will be charged for unwinding plus a disposal fee for the cable.
The following is filled in by the person who delivers drums for the first time or who has changed information. This is a prerequisite for us to be able to pay out money.
F-tax slip and Bankgiro / Plusgiro are a requirement.